With a new mission that aligns our partnerships, policies and career pathway models for a more effective workforce system, we’ve created collaborations that have increased the impacts for businesses, working adults and youth in Mecklenburg County and the Charlotte region. We’re proud of these impacts and our status as a nationally recognized workforce board.
Welcome to Charlotte Works, your workforce aligner and convener. As the workforce development board for Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, we’re bringing workforce, economic development, educational and industry partners to the same table to make positive changes to our workforce system.
Whether you’re a student seeking work-based learning opportunities, an employer seeking talented future employees or an educator seeking to give students valuable real-world work experience, here’s where you make the connection. With the Youth Business Connector, students learn, companies grow and our community wins.
Have you been dreaming about a fulfilling career? For many young adults, life events and the day-to-day grind have put roadblocks between them and their future. NextGen can help remove those roadblocks and start you on the road to success.
Whether you sell a good or offer a service … whether you operate a for-profit or nonprofit organization … whether your firm was born here in Mecklenburg County or moved from somewhere … whether your company has five people or 500 … your business is growing and we have the business solutions to help your business grow and thrive.
As an employer, you understand all too well the cost of hiring and training good employees. In many cases, candidates have the right combination of enthusiasm and intelligence but lack the specific skills needed for the job. On-The-Job Training Reimbursement Grants can help your Mecklenburg County business save money while adding to your company’s competitiveness and productivity.
Working Smart: Soft Skills for Workplace Success is a five-module, 16-lesson curriculum that enhances job-seeker skills such as communication, problem-solving, time management and accountability.