Author: Kevin Loux

Struggling to find work in your industry? Map a new career pathway using your existing skills! Since Mid-March, millions have filed for unemployment, including 36 million Americans, almost 1 million North Carolinians, and an estimated 100,000 Mecklenburg County residents. If you are one of the many...

As the workforce development board serving Mecklenburg County, Charlotte Works leads the way in connecting job seekers and employers, providing skills training and work opportunities for youth and adults, analyzing and sharing data to educate the public on workforce needs, and aligning community partners around...

Charlotte Works Workforce Development is required to make copies of the proposed Charlotte Works Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) plan available to the public and allow for public comment. The 4-year plan is available via the link below:   [button icon_pack="font_awesome_5" font_awesome_5="fa fa-file-pdf" target="_blank" hover_type="default" text="4-Year...

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Leading the development of a skilled and in-demand workforce by engaging businesses, aligning community partners, empowering and connecting job seekers to meaningful employment, and fostering inclusive economic growth.