16 Apr News & notes
More good stuff just keeps happening at your NCWorks Career Centers! Check out our latest news:
Charlotte Works is in the news
Director of Talent Development Jaslyn Roberts was featured in the “Notable Names” section of the March/April issue of Pride magazine.
Roberts was also interviewed by Time Warner Cable News for a March 26 news segment focused on Mecklenburg County’s population hitting the one-million mark. She discussed its implications on the job market.
Steve Partridge, president and CEO, was interviewed by Time Warner Cable News as part of its April 2 coverage of a $2.2 million U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grant to the Charlotte Housing Authority to boost the employability of residents of Southside Homes. Charlotte Works pledged support to the grant by providing access to workshops, assistance with resume-writing and interview skills and education about career in hot sectors.
And the Charlotte Observer included comments from Partridge in its article about the grant: “HUD Secretary Julian Castro awards $2.2M grant for Charlotte.” The story was picked up in multiple media outlets throughout the Southeast.
Workforce development veteran retires, says technology has changed the game
Sheila Hemphill, On-The-Job Training (OJT) grant manager, retired on March 27 following 29 years of service in the workforce development field spanning three states (Maryland, Ohio and North Carolina).
Upon relocating to Charlotte, Hemphill was recruited by the Employment Security Commission (ESC) of North Carolina, where she advanced to JobLink and Workforce Investment Act (WIA) manager of the Charlotte office. Most significantly, during her tenure she was project manager for the North Carolina Department of Labor (DOL)-funded Individual Training Account (ITA) Experiment from 2001 to 2003, as administered by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Workforce Development Board. She oversaw the $750,000 grant, managed WIA and project staff from both ESC and Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont, monitored experimental processes for the 1,800 participants, collected data and coordinated her findings with Mathematica Policy Research and the U.S. DOL, through publication of the study. She retired from state service in April 2010.
Retirement was short-lived, though, as Craig Cole, vice president, employer engagement, and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Workforce Development Board asked Hemphill to assist with launching the special statewide WIA Dislocated Worker OJT Training Grants starting in January 2011.
“Sheila has made monumental contributions to our industry, our organization and our team,” says Cole. “We appreciate her impeccable work ethic, positive attitude, graceful mentorship and the fact that she has always been an articulate, intelligent and excellent team player.”
“Her understanding of WIA gave Charlotte a competitive edge when we launched our OJT program several years ago,” notes Charlotte Works President and CEO Steve Partridge. “Her passion and knowledge will be greatly missed and not easily replaced.”
Hemphill says technology has made the biggest impact on workforce. “The Internet has revolutionized how job-seekers seek and obtain employment; how education and training are provided; and how services can be delivered, measured, evaluated, etc.,” she says. “Businesses – as well as individuals – who don’t embrace being not just tech-savvy but tech-avid will become obsolete.”
Attention policy wonks: NCWorks Commission releases two-year plan
The NCWorks Commission, a 25-member, governor-appointed board that oversees the state’s workforce development system, released its 2014 – 2016 strategic plan. Titled “Preparing North Carolina’s Workforce for Today and Tomorrow,” the plan “provides a framework for all workforce agencies to use to create a more aligned and coordinated system,” with the aim of improving services for both businesses and individuals.
The plan sets forth four goals for the system:
- “Create an integrated, seamless, and customer-centered workforce system.
- “Create a workforce system that is responsive to the needs of the economy.
- “Prepare workers to succeed in the North Carolina economy and to continuously improve their skills,
- “Use data to drive strategies and ensure accountability.”
Download “Preparing North Carolina’s Workforce for Today and Tomorrow.”
Do you CPCC?
Are you interested in attending Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) but have questions about enrollment or classes? Charlotte’s three NCWorks Career Centers regularly host CPCC continuing education representatives onsite. No appointment or registration is required! Stop by:
1401 W. Morehead St.: Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
5601 Executive Center Dr.: Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. To 11:30 a.m.
7140 Forest Point Blvd.: third Tuesday of the month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.