NCWorks Online, business services team create powerful combo to serve employers

HomeNCWorks Online, business services team create powerful combo to serve employers

NCWorks Online, business services team create powerful combo to serve employers

Since NCWorks Online debuted as the state of North Carolina’s robust job-search tool for employers and job-seekers in 2013, hundreds of thousands of people in both groups have used the site to post jobs, search jobs, hire and get hired.

We thought it would be interesting to take a quick snapshot of how Mecklenburg County employers are using NCWorks Online (and the assistance of our business services team) to fill their recruiting needs:

Biz Serv Merged

We know one of the most important questions you, as an employer, might be asking is, “How many people were hired using NCWorks Online?” Unfortunately, the site doesn’t provide a mechanism for follow-up with individual job-seekers and there’s no incentive for those who land positions to provide that information, making tracking this critical number virtually impossible at this time.

Some other fun facts not included above:

  • The size and types of companies served by NCWorks in Charlotte are representative of our labor market.
  • Seventy companies received 10 or more services each.
  • The five industries with the fastest-growing representation among employers on NCWorks Online are public administration, education, transportation and warehousing, manufacturing and finance and insurance.
  • Using NCWorks Online, job-seekers found an additional 57,694 jobs posted on the site from sources other than staff or employer entry (e.g., CareerBuilder, Indeed, etc.).
  • The salary range for jobs posted by staff is $7.25 per hour to $105.77 per hour, with the mean wage at $35,783.



*“Services” are defined as:

  • on-site visits;
  • job-fair assistance;
  • mass-recruitment services;
  • detailed labor market information;
  • candidate pre-screening;
  • resume review and referral of eligible individuals;
  • incumbent-worker training; and/or
  • on-the-job training information.

**Data pulled is for July 1, 2014, through May 31, 2015. Comments are taken from a monthly employer survey administered during the same period.

***Job-seekers can create more than one resume.


Learn more about how Charlotte Works’ business services team can help your company learn to maximize NCWorks Online to meet your labor market-information and hiring needs. 


Alex Cooley joined the staff of Charlotte Works in May 2015 to collect, analyze and report workforce data and monitor progress toward meeting performance outcomes. He will also help write local area policies and research best practices. Cooley most recently served as a production assistant at American Airlines, managing data projects for its maintenance facility. His background also includes census research, data collection and grant preparation. Cooley is a graduate of UNC Charlotte with a bachelor of arts degree in political science and criminal justice. He is currently pursuing his master’s degree in public administration and will graduate in December 2016.

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