22 Feb Local Rapid Response team steps in for workers facing layoffs

Aon Site Leader Paul Palmer (left) and NCWorks Business Consultant Andrew Davila (right)
After Aon Hewitt, a consulting and human resources outsourcing firm, announced that it would be permanently closing its Retiree Health Solutions Sales and Services Center in Charlotte, the Rapid Response team at our NCWorks Career Center stepped in to coordinate resources for roughly 70 full-time customer service representatives affected.
An information session was held where community partners like the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services, Benefits Assistance Management Group and the N.C. Division of Employment Security provided information on wraparound services, filing unemployment claims and credit counseling. Staff from our NCWorks Career Center highlighted job-search resources available through NCWorks Online.
The dislocated workers also had the opportunity to attend a mini job fair with employers recruiting for similar customer service positions. Participating companies included Benefits Assistance Management Group, Conduent, Convergys, Queen Associates and WESTMED Practice Partners.
To learn more about our employer solutions, visit our business services webpage. All services are no cost to employers.

Dislocated Aon Hewitt workers explore available jobs with WESTMED Practice Partners at the Rapid Response job fair on Feb. 22.