15 May News & notes
They say April showers bring May flowers – it also brings lots of news and updates! Check out what’s happening at your three NCWorks Career Centers!
Two long-term managers retire
We send congratulations and “happy retirement!” wishes to two long-time N.C. Division of Workforce Solutions managers who retired at the end of April:
Eleanor Williams, unemployment insurance services supervisor at the NCWorks Career Center – Executive Center Drive, retired on April 29 after 36 years of service.
Her career began in 1979 as a placement consultant with a recruitment training program in Anderson, S.C., her hometown. She was hired as an intermittent employee by the Employment Security Commission (ESC) at its office on Morehead Street in 1982; two years later, she was hired permanently as an employment interviewer at the ESC’s Trade Street office. In 2003, Williams moved to the Monroe Road office in Matthews and then to Executive Center Drive when the Matthews office closed in 2013.
“When I started with this agency, we were still using punch cards. We still had people come to the office on a weekly basis to file what’s now called ‘weekly certification,’” Williams remembers. “We still had textiles at that time, and if it was a slow week, a bunch of workers would get laid off temporarily and we’d go out to the plant and actually process the claims onsite with the looms running in the background.”
After a 40-year career with the N.C. Department of Commerce’s Division of Workforce Solutions (DWS), Randall Darnell, manager of the NCWorks Career Center – Executive Center Drive, retired on April 30.
Like Williams, he began his career as an intermittent employment interviewer for claimants filing for unemployment insurance at the Gastonia ESC office, and later was made a permanent employee. Upon relocating to Durham, he was made a supervisor of the Chapel Hill local office and advanced to assistant manager. In 2001, Darnell returned to the Charlotte area as manager of the Monroe office. He became manager of the Executive Center Drive office in 2009. Under his leadership, the Charlotte offices received the John B. Fleming Award of Excellence in 2011 for excellent service delivery, the first time any Charlotte offices had ever received the award.
Reflecting on what’s made the biggest impact in workforce development, Darnell says it’s the development of automated applicant screening through the Internet. “Prior to such Internet applications, the state employment office had employees who screened the applications. We were able to ensure that applicants who had the aptitude but not experience were still routed to employers,” he says. “Today, Internet applications base the screening on experience and education. They fail to make a connection with aptitude. Our continued role must be to make personal acquaintances with employers so that we can promote promising applicants when we run across them. We must gain the trust of employers, especially those in the human resources departments.”
NCWorks Career Center – W. Morehead Street welcomes new staff members

(From left) Career Coach Marquitta Frost; Alex Cooley, research and reporting analyst; and Katrina Louis, communications manager, have joined the organization at the NCWorks Career Center at W. Morehead Street.
We’re pleased to welcome three new members to our team:
Alex Cooley, research and reporting analyst, will collect, analyze and report workforce data and monitor our progress toward meeting our performance outcomes. Cooley will also help write local area policies and research best practices. He most recently served as a production assistant at American Airlines, managing data projects for its maintenance facility. His background also includes census research, data collection and grant preparation. Cooley is a graduate of UNC Charlotte with a bachelor of arts degree in political science and criminal justice. He is currently pursuing his master’s degree in public administration and plans to graduate in December 2015.
Career Coach Marquitta Frost is a native of Minnesota and a human resources professional who specializes in learning and development, career development, leadership development and coaching. Frost began her career as a human resources generalist/business partner and has worked in nonprofits, higher education and federal and local governments. She most recently served as a senior human resources representative for Hennepin County, Minn. Frost holds a bachelor of arts degree in human resource management from Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minn., and a master’s degree in leadership from Capella University. She holds a human resources generalist certificate and a public sector human resources certificate from the Carlson School of Mangement in Minneapolis, Minn. Frost also has certifications in Franklin Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Series” and an E-Learning Instructional Design through the American Society of Training and Development. She has been trained as a Lean 101/Kaizen Facilitator through Hennepin County, Minn. Frost is a former volunteer resume coach for Charlotte Works.
Katrina Louis, communications manager, relocated to Charlotte from Broward County, Fla., where she most recently served as the multimedia specialist for the Children’s Services Council. In that role, she created and managed such communications as the e-newsletter, press releases, website, social media and more. Prior to that, Louis served as a youth services coordinator at PS Youth Outreach. She is a graduate of the University of Florida with a bachelor of science degree in public relations and has been very active in the alumni association.
Charlotte celebrates Americans with Disabilities with two mobile museums
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is legislation that updates and replaces the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) on July 1. Among its provisions is an emphasis on providing training and career assistance for those with disabilities, who are over-represented among the unemployed.
Charlotte Works is pleased to support the N.C. chapter of the U.S. Business Leadership Network (USBLN), an organization dedicated to helping business drive performance by leveraging disability inclusion in the workplace, supply chain and marketplace, by helping to raise the awareness of local employers and disability supporters about two important events: the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Legacy Tour traveling exhibit and America’s Disability Rights Museum on Wheels (DRMW) will be parked in uptown Charlotte from June 7 through 9.
The ADA Legacy Tour will park at a to-be-determined location in Charlotte on Monday, June 8, and Tuesday, June 9, from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Tour is a traveling exhibit designed to raise awareness and build excitement about the 25th anniversary of the ADA.
The ADA Tour, which recently completed the first portion of a cross-country tour, hosts interactive exhibits that draw people with disabilities of all ages and cultures including a four-panel display on the history of self-advocacy; displays on The ADA Legacy Project and its efforts to preserve disability history, celebrate major milestones and educate future generations of disability advocates; a “Because of the ADA …” booth, where advocates post their thoughts and photos; the ADA quilt, where advocates add their signatures; displays on the history of the Road to Freedom Tour; and more.
America’s Disability Rights Museum on Wheels (DRMW), an accessible, self-contained motor vehicle, features interactive learning opportunities and emerging technologies. The mobile museum will kick off its own cross-country tour at The Square from Sunday, June 7, through Tuesday, June 9, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The DRMW provides a unique opportunity to learn the fascinating history of the disability rights movement. It presents an eye-catching exhibit that invites visitors to participate in hands-on learning about the disability civil rights movement and the technological innovations resulting from the ADA.
There’s still space left at these workshops through the end of the month!
Join us for as many of these job-search workshops as your schedule will allow and boost your chances of landing!
Get a leg up in the job search with an N.C. Career Readiness Certificate from Charlotte Works & CPCC
The N.C. Career Readiness Certificate (NC CRC) is a portable credential that shows employers that you have the basic skills necessary to be successful in a particular job. When you earn an N.C. CRC, you’re automatically eligible for the National CRC, which is recognized across state borders. Since the CRC accurately indicates whether you have the skills required to be trained in a new career, the CRC may be more meaningful to employers than a high school degree.
To earn a CRC, you’ll take WorkKeys® assessments in three major areas: Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information and Locating Information. Your test results can earn a bronze, silver or gold certificate. The higher the certificate level, the more jobs you’re qualified to perform.
Charlotte Works and Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) are partnering to bring you a FREE* CRC prep class/lab!
NCWorks Career Center – W. Morehead St.
1401 W. Morehead St., Ste. 100 (28208)
May 18 through July 31
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.
1 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(Class will not meet May 25; June 15 to 26; July 3)
NCWorks Career Center – Executive Center Dr.
5601 Executive Center Dr., Ste. 100 (28212)
May 18 through July 31
Mon., Tues., Fri.
9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m and 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
(Class will not meet May 25; July 3)
You must register to attend these labs on NCWorks Online and complete an in-class registration and tuition-waiver forms.
*Tuition-free as long as you qualify for at least one of the following: currently unemployed; received notification of a pending layoff; working and eligible for the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit; and/or working and earn wages at or below 200% (200%) of the federal poverty guidelines^^.
^^Federal Earned Income Tax & Federal poverty guidelines.
Want to explore a new career? Let CPCC and Charlotte Works help!
Information Technology: REACH IT! with Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC)
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 37-percent increase in information technology (IT) job growth over the next seven years. If you’ve always been interested in IT but lack formal training, the REACH IT scholarship could be your opportunity to get involved in one of the quickest-growing industries in the region. If you’re a mid-career professional who’s unemployed or underemployed, you may be a great fit for this program!
Join us for an Information Session to learn how you could become a part of Charlotte’s IT talent pipeline on:
- Tuesday, May 19, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. at your NCWorks Career Center at 7140 Forest Point Blvd. (28217); or
- Tuesday, May 26, from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., at your NCWorks Career Center at 5601 Executive Center Dr. (28212).
Your resume gets you an interview. Your interview gets you a job.
NEW! If you’re serious about landing a new job, register for a 60-minute, one-on-one session with a mock interview coach. Arrive for this session as you would for an actual interview. In order to get the most out of the session, we suggest you attend an Interview Strategies workshop first.
These sessions are in high demand, so if you cannot attend, please cancel as soon as possible.
Register for a mock interview session on Tuesdays, May 19 and 26 at your NC Works Career Center at 7140 Forest Point Blvd. (28217). Various times are available throughout the day; check the event calendar on NCWorks Online.
Do you know “How to Identify Yourself?”
Identity is based on many things: gender, race, work, beliefs, family, skills, passions.
How you identify yourself is especially important for success in business. What characteristics you show the world is how you will be perceived and judged. This workshop will help you explore your self-knowledge and articulate your best qualities so that you always present yourself in a confident and comfortable manner. You are more than you appear to be!
Get the scoop on Thursday, May 21, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at your NCWorks Career Center at 1401 W. Morehead St. (28208).
Do you know “How to Survive Financially in a Crisis?”
It’s natural to feel anxiety during career transition. Managing your bills with limited or no income can be challenging.
In this workshop, we’ll cover the fundamentals of money management and offer legal insight to consider when facing difficult financial decisions in the midst of unemployment. You’ll also learn about resources, tools and encouragement that can help you survive through these challenging moments.
Come learn survival tips on Tuesday, May 26, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at your NCWorks Career Center at 1401 W. Morehead St. (28208).
Defying Ageism in the Job-search Process
Have you been told you’re over-qualified for a position you thought was a good fit for you? Not getting any “hits” on Internet job submissions? Ever get a bad vibe at the very start of an interview as soon as you met the recruiter? All these things could be indicators that your age might be a “negative” in the job-finding process.
Join us for a provocative discussion about ageism in the job search and what you can do to mitigate age impacts in the process. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to increase productivity and enhance morale by proactively dealing with generational issues in the workplace.
We hope to see you on Friday, May 29, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at your NCWorks Career Center at 1401 W. Morehead St. (28208).
Register for any of these workshops online at NCWorks Online:
- Log in to your NCWorks.gov account
- Go to the “My Calendar” box
- Click on the hyperlinked number on the 2nd line of text under the calendar (“__Upcoming Events”)
- Click on “Show Filter Criteria.” For LWIA/Region, select “Charlotte Works Work Force Develop Board.” For Office Location, select “NCWorks Career Center-W. Morehead St.” or “NCWorks Career Center-Executive Center Dr.” or “NCWorks Career Center-Forest Point Blvd.”
- Click on “Filter”
- Click on your desired event. Confirm date & time and click on “Register” at the bottom of the page