12 Nov News and notes
There are all kinds of things to be thankful for at your NCWorks Career Centers!
(And although it may seem like the “all youth, all the time” version of News and notes, read on! There’s more, we promise!)
Youth introduced to growing project management industry
There will be almost 6.2 million U.S. jobs in project management by 2020, according to the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Industry Growth Forecast report.

Students interview Kevin Flanagan, project management professional (PMP) with Digital Intelligence Systems (DISYS) at TIAA-CREF, about the role information technology plays in the project management industry.
On Oct. 24, Charlotte Works partnered with the PMI Metrolina Chapter and Junior Achievement of Central Carolinas to host Project Management Academy. Twenty-two high school juniors and seniors in the Youth Works program participated in one-on-one interviews with 11 project managers representing the energy, finance, healthcare, information technology and manufacturing industries. Students also learned how they could earn an entry-level certification upon graduation.
“Participation in these types of work-based learning events affords students the opportunity to become acquainted with careers of interest while learning core workplace competencies such as problem solving, communication and critical thinking,” says Anna London, youth programs manager (WMS).
Students explore transportation career pathways during National Apprenticeship Week
From Nov. 2 to Nov. 6, our nation celebrated its first National Apprenticeship Week, and our Youth Works program used the opportunity to expose students to in-demand career options.
Twenty-eight students from Garinger, Vance and Independence high schools toured the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) maintenance facility and learned how their areas of interest are involved in the transportation industry. (CATS, Charlotte Works and the City of Charlotte’s Mayor’s Youth Employment Program partnered to create a pre-apprenticeship program for Youth Works clients who are interested in diesel auto-mechanics.)

High school students toured the American Airlines maintenance hangar at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport as part of National Apprenticeship Week activities.
Later in the week, 32 students visited the American Airlines maintenance hangar at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport for a behind-the-scenes look at daily operations.
And President and CEO Steve Partridge served on a panel hosted by the local “Talent Pipeline Partnership (TPP),” a group of Mecklenburg County-based organizations including Charlotte Works, the Charlotte Chamber, Central Piedmont Community College, Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont and others, to share with employers, job-seekers, educators and others about the “real-world advantages” of apprenticeships. The TPP seeks to coordinate the efforts of member organizations to educate business about all work-based learning opportunities and provide resources to students and parents about local jobs in in-demand industries.
Inaugural youth participants earn soft skills certification
Three Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) high school students were recognized for their mastery of communications, work ethic and other soft skills at the Working Smart: Soft Skills for Workplace Success graduation ceremony. On Nov. 5, Ci’erra Larsen, Simeon Holmes and John Helny became the first group of youth participants to complete the two-week training and earn the certification.

(From left) Ci’erra Larsen, Simeon Holmes and John Helny became the first youth graduates of the Working Smart: Soft Skills for Workplace Success program. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools are making the program a requirement before students can be placed for internships.
“I’ve never had a job, so I wouldn’t have known any of this stuff going into a workplace,” says Larsen, a Cato Middle College High School senior who plans to become a veterinarian. “Having someone teach me these things before going into workplaces has been very helpful.”
Participants were selected based on scores from CMS’s Career and Technical Education’s (CTE) internship determination rubric, which takes students’ attendance and conduct into account.
NCWorks Charlotte offers the program to CMS as a job-readiness tool. “We need to prove to employers that [students] are work-ready. Students will not be placed without completing Working Smart,” explains Kimberly Tigner, CTE support services coordinator.
Tigner will facilitate two more sessions through December to complete the CMS pilot phase.
Reminder: Career Centers to close half-day on Nov. 20
Don’t forget: all three NCWorks Career Centers will close at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 20, for staff training. Please schedule your visits accordingly. We’ll re-open at 8 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 23.
Let NCWorks Career Centers help boost your skills!
Join us for these hot workshops!
Monday, Nov. 16
10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
*New Location* NCWorks Career Center – Executive Center Drive
How to establish good credit and check your credit
Ed Gilliam of Alliance Credit Counseling will guide you through the steps to build good credit, rebuild your credit and avoid credit pitfalls. In this engaging workshop, you’ll learn how to build solid financial health.
Wednesday, Nov. 18
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
NCWorks Career Center – W. Morehead Street
*NEW* Productivity vs. Busyness: Are you getting things done?
Do you realize that there’s a difference between being busy and truly productive? Glean the tools you need to be productive, avoid guardrails and surround yourself with productive people.
Wednesday, Nov 18
**First time offered on the evening schedule!** 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
NCWorks Career Center – W. Morehead Street
How to Identify Yourself
Your identity (or the essence of who you really are) shows itself to others and is especially important for success in the business world. Come “play” with your inner knowing to learn about your best qualities. You are more than you appear to be! The workshop facilitator is Valerie Althoff, organization coach and principle at A Vision in Place.
Thursday, Nov. 19
9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
NCWorks Career Center – W. Morehead Street
*Back by Popular Demand!* Top 10 Secrets to Getting Hired
Rick Sears, career readiness expert, motivational speaker and entrepreneur, shares his 20 years of knowledge in finding a career the “right way” in an easy-to-understand and extremely informative workshop. Learn his innovative ways to implement “Every Spoke of the Wheel,” the true “Art of Interviewing,” his “Mentor Approach” and much more. You’ll also receive his e-book for attending!
Register to attend any (or all!) of these workshops on NCWorks Online:
a. Log in to your NCWorks Online account
b. Go to the MY CALENDAR widget
c. Click on the 2nd line of text (“____ UPCOMING EVENTS”) under the calendar image
d. Click on SHOW FILTER CRITERIA. The LWIA/Region should be set on “Charlotte Works Workforce Development Board.” For Office Location select either NCWorks Career Center-Executive Center Dr. or NCWorks Career Center-W. Morehead St. For Event Category select “None Selected.”
e. Click on FILTER.
f. Choose your desired event and click on it. Confirm date & time and click on REGISTER at the bottom of the page.
Happy Thanksgiving!
NCWorks Career Centers’ staff wishes you and your family the happiest of Thanksgivings! We’re grateful that you have entrusted us to help with your job-search and look forward to celebrating your success with you!
As a reminder, all three NCWorks Career Centers will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 26, and Friday, Nov. 27, in celebration of the holiday. We look forward to seeing you on Monday, Nov. 30.