19 Feb Mistakes are good, says mock interview coach
One of cleaning-products company Method’s cultural values is the value of mistakes: “We consider mistakes little messes we can learn from; nothing that can’t be cleaned up and made better.”
This could very well be one of NCWorks Volunteer Andrea Campbell’s cultural values, too.
The mock interview coach says of her experience with clients at the NCWorks Career Center at W. Morehead Street: “The clientele can make their mistakes in front of me rather than in front of the hiring manager. They show up prepared, bring their best and we can make their best that much better.”
Campbell, a division director at local recruiting firm Sherpa, has been volunteering at the Center since early in 2015. In addition to conducting mock interview sessions, she designed and presents the popular “How to Answer Tough Interview Questions” workshop.
She particularly enjoys the mock interviews “because one-on-one, I can add value to the client’s job search with different interview techniques and have a lot of impact.”
Interviews at the Center are different from those she conducts in her daily business of recruiting candidates for human resources and executive support positions because NCWorks clients aren’t usually interviewing for a specific position when she talks with them. “Here, it’s more about being well-versed with their own experiences and stories and helping them share that,” Campbell says, noting that she does occasionally conduct interviews with clients to prepare them to discuss a certain role. In those cases, she asks questions tailored from the job descriptions they bring.
She regularly recommends NCWorks to fellow members of the Charlotte Area Society for Human Resources Management (CASHRM), of which she’s a board member, and to Sherpa’s clients who may need more help than her firm can offer.
“I love the work you do and think you’re a great partner in the community for workforce readiness,” says Campbell. “Job-search can be trying, especially if you’ve not been in it for a while. The passionate and mission-driven staff makes a big difference to people in transition. Having people who truly do care and want to be your partner as they enhance your skills and marketability is so helpful.”
She advises clients to maximize and leverage the “multiple layers” of resources available through NCWorks. “There’s something for everyone here, whether you’re early-, middle- or late-career. Get plugged in!”
Want to join Volunteers@Works, NCWorks Charlotte’s volunteer program? Get the details and apply today!
Want to schedule a mock interview or attend Campbell’s How to Answer Tough Interview Questions workshop to get more great tips like the ones below? Check the events calendar on NCWorks Online!
Mock Interview Coach Andrea Campbell’s Top 3 Interview Tips
- Prepare. Research is really important.
- Dress the part. Having a polished image goes a long way. You can’t take back that first impression.
- Have confidence! Sometimes candidates feel almost unworthy to be in front of the interviewer. You’ve earned the right to be there and get that job.