Taeisha Legardy was a justice-involved job seeker looking for assistance in securing employment in Charlotte, NC. She heard about a job opening at Mr. Refurbisher Auto Mobile Detailing through a referral from the Center for Community Transitions and soon discovered the employer was working with an NCWorks On-the-Job Training (OJT) program. This program and employer partnership would soon offer her the fresh start she was hoping to find.

One Job Seeker’s Journey from Justice-Involved to Future Entrepreneur

HomeOne Job Seeker’s Journey from Justice-Involved to Future Entrepreneur

One Job Seeker’s Journey from Justice-Involved to Future Entrepreneur

Taeisha LegardyTaeisha Legardy was a justice-involved job seeker looking for assistance in securing employment in Charlotte, NC. She heard about a job opening at Mr. Refurbisher Auto Mobile Detailing through a referral from the Center for Community Transitions and soon discovered the employer was working with an NCWorks On-the-Job Training (OJT) program. This program and employer partnership would soon offer her the fresh start she was hoping to find.

The team at Mr. Refurbisher was in need of help with daily tasks such as appointment scheduling, detailer coordination, and customer service. With the supportive guidance of her NCWorks business engagement representative and her career advisor, Taeisha states she was able to easily step through the criteria assessment and program process to apply for the role. When asked about her experience with her NCWorks career advisor, Ebony Copeland, Taeisha replied, “She genuinely cared about my well-being and success. I’ve asked her to stay in touch because she’s been a pillar of positivity, motivation, and great energy.” Regarding how the OJT process impacted her career journey, she added, “I liked forming a bond with my career advisor. I liked showing my employer the skills I have to complete the job while training with them to gain skills in a completely new industry for me.”

Cut to a year later, Taeisha has been promoted to the title of Office Manager and assigned added responsibilities pertaining to payroll, fleet control, and human resources. Taeisha plans to draw upon her experience with her employer and become an entrepreneur by opening her own Mr. Refurbisher Auto Mobile Detailing in Atlanta, GA. For those facing similar barriers to earning a sustainable income, Taeisha hopes her story will inspire them to not give up. “You may get tired, and it may be lonely,” Taeisha shared, “But, keep going. Learn to be OK with being uncomfortable for a while and keep pushing, even if it’s small accomplishments at time. They matter, and they’ll add up in the end.”

NCWorks offers powerfully effective workforce solutions under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), such as the OJT program Taeisha used to overcome employment barriers and find a career that offers continual opportunities for professional growth. For employers, the OJT program provides up to 50 percent wage rate reimbursement to help offset the costs associated with new hire professional skill development and any productivity decline during the training process. These programs have been proven effective at preparing job seekers with significant employment barriers for long-term sustainable employment while filling labor gaps for employers.

If you are interested in learning more about NCWorks no cost employer and job seeker supportive services and programs, visit our website today.

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